Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tempeh Tantrum

In all my veggie loving years, I have never had tempeh. I felt it was time.

So I bought a package and decided to use it in a stir-fry in place of my old stand-by, tofu.  I love tofu....silken, soft, firm, extra firm.  I love it all.  I bake it, fry it, steam it, turn it into eggless egg salad, pudding, salad dressing. 

I did a little research on different cooking techniques for tempeh.  I decided to sauté it in a bit of sunflower oil to make it crispy.  That's what I did.  I heated a very thin layer of oil in a non-stick pan and placed the thin pieces of tempeh in the oil.  Once crisp, I turned the pieces over, and cooked until crisp on the other side.

Before adding to the stir-fry, I tasted a piece.  I LOVED the texture.  It was crispy and light.  At first bite, the flavor was nutty and delicious.  And then, all of a sudden, it wasn't.  I can't really describe my reaction that followed the initial perception.  But I just didn't like it.

Was I overreacting to trying a new food?  I like to try new things (hence the tempeh) and I don't consider myself overly picky.  Sometimes I'm off-put by the smell of a food before I try it.  I smelled the tempeh as soon as I opened the package, and it seemed very mild.  And it smelled quite good while cooking it.  So what turned my initial reaction south so quickly?

Was it just me?

My husband will pretty much eat anything I serve him.  He loves vegetarian/vegan alternatives and is pretty easy-going when it comes to food choices, both at home and in restaurants.  I had him try a piece of the tempeh before adding it to the stir-fry.  His reaction was pretty much identical to mine.  And his response was his usual, easy-going, "it's ok."

I thought maybe it would be better once coated in a delicious orange sesame sauce.  Not really.  I ended up eating just broccoli and red sprouted jasmine rice.  So my meal was lacking in protein.  My husband took a few bites and opted for making a sandwich. 

The completed dish looks yummy.  And I suppose, if you like tempeh, would be pretty tasty and satisfying.

Did I do something wrong?  Or is tempeh just an acquired taste?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Vitamin D. It does a body good.

For the past few years my body has been seriously deficient in vitamin D. My doctor had advised me to take 3,000 iu of D3 every day. So I started off on a high note, taking it every day for a week. And then I'd take it sporadically until I just didn't take it at all. 

I've never really taken any vitamins or supplements consistently. Until now. I now take a whole food multi-vitamin three times a day and 2000 iu of D3 once a day.  Remembering to take something three times a day can be daunting. So I keep a stash on my desk at work and I have a reminder pop up on my calendar. So far, it's working pretty well. 

I know that diets lacking in animal products can lead to a B12 deficiency, so  I've added that to my grocery list this week and will pick it up in the next few days. 

I'm hoping that with my plant based diet, and addition of vitamins, my energy level will increase. 

What vitamins, minerals, supplements do you take?  What are the benefits?  Have they changed the way you feel?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Super Simple and Satisfying Breakfast

Overnight oats. 

My newest obsession for the past few mornings. Couldn't be easier and the possibilities are endless. Here is this morning's version:

I mixed 1/2 cup rolled oats, 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 T maple syrup, 2 T chopped pecans and a dash of cinnamon. I left it in the fridge overnight and this morning I had a delicious, hearty breakfast. You can even pop it in the microwave if you prefer something warm.